Friday, July 29, 2011

From the flavor of Kolkata cuisine…….

As we know that Kolkata is famous for its culture, traditional and happening place, but most important thing its yummy and delicious foods really it is too good. As I spend my graduation period I felt that how much Kolkata people are so fascinate about their foods, especially when we are talking their famous fish and the varieties of fish finding there.

Fish is one of the favorite food among the Kolkata’s people and Bengali , its define their foodie nature . when we are talking about fish it’s important to know that More than forty types of mostly freshwater fish are common, including carp varieties like rui (rohu), koi (climbing perch), the wriggling catfish family of tangra, magur, shingi and the pink-bellied Indian butter fish, the pabda (katla) magur (catfish), chingŗi (prawn), as well as shuţki (small dried fish). Chingri could be of varieties - kucho (varieties of shrimp), usual (prawns), bagda (tiger prawns), and galda (Scampi).
Salt water fish (not sea fish though) hilsa (hilsa ilisha) is very popular among Bengalis, can be called an icon of Bengali cuisine. Ilish maach (hilsa fish), which migrates upstream to breed is a delicacy.
There are numerous ways of cooking fish depending on the texture, size, fat content and the bones. It could be fried, cooked in roasted, a simple spicy tomato or ginger based gravy (jhol), or mustard based with green chillies (shorshe batar jhaal), with posto, with seasonal vegetables, steamed, steamed inside of plantain or butternut squash leaves, cooked with doi (curd/yogurt), with sour sauce, with sweet sauce or even the fish made to taste sweet on one side, and savory on the other.
Therefore the Bengali cuisine is famous in all over the world for its delicious fish as called maache jhol bhaat so if you are missing to not tasted try it by making in your home as this video showing.
                        Hilsa fish recipe


  1. Upright information! I just love the presentation. It very intriguing. Good job!

  2. after reading all about kolkata i feel like going there n taste all the delicacies
